

    1. Retail Category Management with Slotting Fees (with Y. Alan and M. Kurtuluş), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, forthcoming.
    2. Reproducibility in Management Science  (with M. Fišar, B. Greiner, C. Huber, E. Katok, A. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration), Management Science, (Note: Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration), 70(3): 1343-1356, 2024.
    3. Allocation of Operational Decisions in Retail Supply Chains (with M. Kurtuluş and S. Ülkü), IIE Transactions, 54(10), 976–987, 2022.
    4. Inventory Positions in US Manufacturing: A Competitive Dynamics Approach (R. Mishra, A. A. Rasheed, M. Yasar, and R. Napier), International Journal of Production Economics, 238, 108167, 2021.
    5. Category Captainship in the Presence of Retail Competition (with Y. Alan and M. Kurtuluş), Production and Operations Management, 29(2), 263–280, 2020.
    6. The Impact of Valuation Heterogeneity on Equilibrium Prices in Supply Chain Networks (with Y. Xu), Production and Operations Management, 28(2), 241–257, 2019.
    7. Strategic Product Line Selection under Asymmetric Demand Structure (with L. Kutlu), Japanese Economic Review, 69(3), 347–359, 2018.
    8. The Impact of Category Captainship on the Breadth and Appeal of Retail Assortment (with J. P. Datson, M. Kurtuluş, and S. Ülkü), Journal of Retailing, 90(3), 379–392, 2014.
    9. The Value of Category Captainship in the Presence of Manufacturer Competition (with M. Kurtuluş, and S. Ülkü), Production and Operations Management, 23(3), 420–430, 2014.
    10. Retail Assortment Planning Under Category Captainship (with M. Kurtuluş), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 13(1), 124–142, 2011.
    11. Settling with Multiple Litigants, Review of Law & Economics, 6(1), 125–144, 2010.


  1. Aggregation Bias: An Axiomatic Approach (with K. Y. Chen and J. Zhang), Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019
  2. Strategic Leadership and Game Theory, Chapter 5 in Leadership Studies (in Turkish), Beta Publishing, 2013.